Larry has determined pointing corrections for each HWP cycle which have then been taken into account in the sharp_combine analysis. The images below show several steps in this analysis with different subsets of data files indicated. The I-images shown were smoothed using a 2 arcsec kernel while the polariation (q and u) maps used a 10 arcsec kernel. Assuming a 9 arcsec SHARP beam then the I map has a spatial resolution of ~10.2 arcsec FWHM while the polarizatio map has a spatial resolution of ~ 13.5 arcsec. Polarization vectors are plotted every 9.4 arcsec (2 SHARP pixels). Red vectors are >2σ, green vectors are between 1σ and 2σ.
analysis using 58 pointing-corrected files which Larry labeled as good
fits (the "2's" and "3's").