Full pointing corrected analysis of M82 from January 2006 data

Larry has determined pointing corrections for each HWP cycle which have then been taken into account in the sharp_combine analysis. The images below show several steps in this analysis with different subsets of data files indicated. The I-images shown were smoothed using a 2 arcsec kernel while the polariation (q and u) maps used a 10 arcsec kernel. Assuming a 9 arcsec SHARP beam then the I map has a spatial resolution of ~10.2 arcsec FWHM while the polarizatio map has a spatial resolution of ~ 13.5 arcsec. Polarization vectors are plotted every 9.4 arcsec (2 SHARP pixels). Red vectors are >2σ, green vectors are between 1σ and 2σ.

Previous analysis using 58 pointing-corrected files which Larry labeled as good fits (the "2's" and "3's").

Left: Same as figure above but after removing 11 files from the night of January 11 in which there were possible cirrus contamination.
Right: Data from 35 newly pointing-corrected files. These files were formerly known as the "0's" and "1's" due to bad fits of the pointing corrections. The bad fits have now been corrected.

All 83 M82 data files, with no cirrus data. Left: Polarization smoothed with a 10 arcsec kernel. Right: Polarization smoothed with a 20 arcsec kernel.

Last updated by John Vaillancourt. 2006-May-15.
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