- Giles Novak
- email: g-novak@northwestern.edu
- skype: giles_novak
- office: (847) 491-8645
- cell: (847) 903-6058
- home: (847) 733-8927
- lab: (847) 467-3260
- Notes: I tend to be awake from 6 AM to 11 PM (8 AM on weekends). At other times, try my cell first.
- Nicholas Chapman
- skype: nlchap0
- cell: (626) 318-5187
- Peter Ashton
- cell: (609) 902-2594
- lab: (847) 467-3260
- Mitchell Drew
- John Vaillancourt
- email: jvaillancourt@sofia.usra.edu
- office: (650) 604-3599
- cell: (626) 660-4702
- fax: (650) 650-1984
- Notes: Last updated Fall 2013
- Matt Hroma
- skype: matt.hroma1
- cell: (630) 724-7653
- Hiroko Shinnaga
- Darren Dowell
- email: cdd@submm.caltech.edu
- JPL office: (818) 393-5032
- Caltech office: (626) 395-6675
- cell: (626) 344-4003
- home: (626) 797-5741
- Notes:
- Troy Ames
- email: Troy.J.Ames@nasa.gov
- office: (301) 286-5673
- cell: (443) 848-3557
- home: (240) 568-9267
- Notes: typically stays up "fairly late" late in evenings
- Martin Houde
- email: houde@astro.uwo.ca
- home: (519) 633-4901
- office: (519) 661-2111 x.86711
- cell: (519) 281-7401
- fax: (519) 661-2033
- Hilo office: (808) 935-1909
- HP office: (808) 934-4412
- Summit: (808) 935-9853
- Simon Radford
- skype: chajnantor
- cell: (808) 333-4871