Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis telecon of Sept. 26, 07 Martin, Hiroko, Mike, John, Giles _________________________________________________________________ RGM: Hiroko has compared Darren's 6 rgm files, and the results are posted to the analysis logbook. We discussed the problems with the two W3 rgm files. These files give an rgm with more bad pixels than for the case when all the data are thrown together. Since we have used bright extended sources in the past, we decided to make two rgms for August: One based on the W3 source, and one based on all the data. The latter would be the best one to use, initially. John and Giles agree that probably the rgm only has to be known to 10% so the agreement that Hiroko found (see posting) is quite acceptable. Beam Size: Based on John's E-mailed results, and Martin and John's calculations of the diffraction limit (done in real time), we adopt: 350, scan-mode: 9" 350, chop-nod mode: 10" 450, either mode: 11" The last of these three is still not definite and should ideally be checked by looking at the June 2007 data. IDL bug on zamin: Still problematic. Martin is working on it. linked list-serves for SHARP: Giles has not gotten around to it yet. _____________________________________________________________