Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis telecon of Oct. 31, 07 Hiroko, Mike, John, Giles _________________________________________________________________ M82 data from February 2007: Giles was curious why Mike's posted map from M82 Feb. data shows no polarization detections at the peak, even though his recent memo would indicate that we did detect polarization at the 1.9 sigma level. Mike noted that even when he lowers the threshhold below 2 sigma he still does not get detections out of "polsharp". We discussed the options to "polsharp". In particular the options for setting colors and for skipping vectors are important, as they affect how many vectors are plotted and how visible they are against the intensity map. Mike played with these in real time, by doing new analyses of M82 Feb data, and posted a new map to the analysis logbook during the telecon. He also mailed one out. There seem to be more detections near the peak now, but more analysis is needed. Lero will have more time in December. Until then, we agreed that Mike would keep going on this, with help from Lero when possible. The goal is to get something more for next week's M82 proposal. Giles note that Mike's I-map looks really very good, and shows both peaks, with the Western peak centered at the center of the map, which is consistent with Mike's recently posted memo on the M82 analysis and pointing. data analysis for IRAS 20126: We discussed Hiroko's pointing work for IRAS 20106. Since there is so little scatter (0.5 arcsec typical; 1.5 arcsec worst case) we decided to accept Hiroko's pointing corrections as correct, and use them in the subsequent analysis. The following items were not discussed on the telecon: IDL bug on zamin linked list-serves for SHARP _____________________________________________________________