Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis telecon of Oct. 10, 07 Martin, Hiroko, Mike, John, Giles _________________________________________________________________ IRAS 20126: Hiroko explained that sharp-integ-2 stores error-messages in an error-log. Each invocation of sharp-integ-2 appends any such messages to this log file. Hiroko found that a small minority of the files taken for IRAS 20126 (a few percent of the total number of files) gave "near saturation" errors in the log-file. Later we learned from Darren that these can be produced by bad pixels, and Larry told us that sharp-integ-2 will complain about being near saturation even if it is a *flagged* bad pixel that shows signal levels indicative of saturation. So we decided the best thing is for Hiroko to just to discard the very few files that give these messages. In the longer run, we can investigate this more by figuring out if there is a particularly bad pixel in these files. Hiroko noted that the -o -d option suppresses fits file creation by sharp-integ-2. Since this option is not needed any more we decided to tell Larry about the problem, but otherwise not to worry about it. M82 data from February 2007: Mike is working his way through the DG Tau memo, but using M82 data instead. He finished section III, finding errors 92% larger than expected (instead of the 25% that Giles found for DG Tau). We decided he should push ahead and not worry about it. When its all written up we can come back to this and try to figure out why its different than the 25% we got for DG Tau. The data set being analysed is 2.5 hours or so at tau around 0.045. IDL bug on zamin: Now solved, as version 6.4 works well. But only one user at a time can use IDL 6.4. Several groups at UWO share the license with Martin's group. If there are any problems, tell Martin. linked list-serves for SHARP: Giles has requested these to be created, linked if possible. _____________________________________________________________