Summary of chop-nod analysis telecon of Nov 19, 2008 Mike, Giles, Lero, Tristan, Martin, John _____________________________________________________________ Lero's analysis of M 82: Lero went through his latest posting (oct 24 posting) the reduced chi_2 is *lower* for 2 bins than for 4 bins. This means we have no evidence for errors on very long time scales. the reduced chi_2 maps are posted for all to look at. _____________________________________________________________ New data analysis methods proposed Oct. 20: Giles summarized his E-mail of Oct. 20th (posted to sharpsoftware listserve) which has a plan for a new data analysis method. Giles noted that changes would be needed to sharp_combine and chi2, before implementing this plan. however, Mike told us that, a while back, he introduced the ability for chi_2 to automatically inflate the errors in a sharp_combine output file ("update" flag), so it seems likely that we would not need any changes to chi_2 to implement the Oct. 20 plan. We would just need the change to sharp_combine. _____________________________________________________________ sharp_integ bug: we think that John has fixed this (rare, intermittent) bug, as discussed in E-mails posted to the sharpsoftware listserve about a month ago. Anyone who wants to publish data analyzed before this time should have Tristan run through the sharpinteg files to check the elevation and parallactic angles to make sure they are reasonable. He has code to do this quickly. ______________________________________________________________ next telecon: we decided that a good thing to talk about on the next telecon is our NGC 1333 result.