Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis skypecon of May 21, 2008 Tristan, Hiroko, John, Giles, Lero _____________________________________________________________ analysis of M82 data M82 was observed during two days in early April and one day in late April. Lero has send spreadsheets to Giles with FAZO, FZAO for all three days. For cases where the pixel offsets (dither pattern) were not recorded in the excel logsheets, Lero has guessed at what the likely values were, based on adjacent observations. He then checked these guesses by looking at the offsets stored in the files and converting these to pixel offsets using an empirical formula. He tested the empirical formula against cases where the pixel offsets *were* recorded in the excel logsheets, to verify that it works properly. _____________________________________________________________ Hiroko work on RGM: Hiroko explained that it will take some time to figure out whether we can unflag more pixels for the November run. For August this was an easier call to make, since patterns were observed in Darren's rgm files that could be interpreted as indicating that in some cases pixels were needlessly flagged. We need to find such patterns in the November rgm files. She plans to start this work in June. _____________________________________________________________ Giles work on L 1527 (Nov. 2007 run): See recent posted memo (analysis logbook). _____________________________________________________________ not discussed on skypecon: sharpcombine on mac