Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis skypecon of May 14, 2008 Tristan, Hiroko, Martin, Giles, Lero _____________________________________________________________ analysis of M82 data Jackie and Lero are collaborating on deriving FAZO, FZAO. Lero has made more progress on April data (spreadsheet mailed to Giles). He finds that sometimes the "fitgauss" fits work and sometimes they don't. When they don't, he interpolates FAZO and FZAO from adjacent files. We decided that we can combine data from different runs into one big sharpcombine fit as long as the i.p. is the unchanged. So we can combine data from Feb 07, early-April 07, and late-April 07. _____________________________________________________________ Tristan work on DG Tau: He has reproduced results from Giles' DG Tau memo of May 2007 He is going after the Aug 2007 DG Tau data next He is doing fitgauss and finds it works well, but he has to use the "fsigma" option to constrain the width. fitgauss works most of the time. _____________________________________________________________ Giles work on L 1527 (Nov. 2007 run): He has finished the pointing corrections (all FAZO, FZAO in hand). Fitgauss works well ~75% of the time. (Giles' criterion for claiming that fitgauss "works" is that it gives a reasonable value, and that furthermore this value agrees reasonably well with the value obtained "by eye".) For the cases where fitgauss gives garbage values, interpolation is used (as for M82, see above). The fitgauss failures seem correlated with large DC offsets. The b option seems to have no effect on the results obtained Giles is also using "fsigma", which helps a lot Hiroko suggested using ix0 and iy0. (initial guesses for peak location in pixel space). Giles thinks he already tried that, but is not sure. Anyway, the pointing corrections are good now, at least for a first iteration. Giles points out that only 55% of the 144 polarimetry pixels are usable for polarimetry, while 77% of the total of 288 SHARP pixels are good. For the August 2007 and Feb 2007 data, these numbers seem to have been significantly higher. Hiroko will confirm whether it is "220/288 or 220/384" in her Fall 2007 RGM memo. The info in this memo may provide clues to this problem of changing numbers of bad pixels. _____________________________________________________________ We should all keep in mind the possibility of showing our results in the CSO renewal proposal. _____________________________________________________________ not discussed on skypecon: sharpcombine on mac