Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis skypecon of March 19, 2008 Mike, Hiroko, Martin, Giles _____________________________________________________________ NGC 1333 analysis (Nov. and Dec. 2007 runs): Mike gave us an update on the status of things and we discussed where to go from here. The main items of progress are the posted memo (analysis logbook) showing good agreement between the two November dithers and more work on the issue of whether we have information on a spatially extended field. We decided to omit the Dec. data because the chopper was broken and the I-map looks bad (see the posted memo). Here is what remains to be done on the data analysis: A. Martin and Mike to push ahead on the issue of whether we have detected a spatially extended field or merely confirmed the integrated SMA result. I.e. could all of the polarized flux we detected in 1333 4A be coming from the small region mapped by SMA? B. Mike to compute reduced chi squared; from only two bins. Inflating errors may eliminate the weird looking data. C. Mike to check parallactic angles D. After the skype-con I talked to Darren; he might be willing to help with SHARC-II data reduction starting in April. This could help us set cuts on "I" (this is related to weird looking data mentioned in point B above) and more importantly could help with point A as well. Finally, we discussed including spectra line data from 8 years ago and Hertz data, especially if it helps us to get the paper out sooner. _____________________________________________________________ not discussed on skypecon: sharpcombine on mac, M82 analysis