Summary of chop-nod analysis telecon of July 22, 2009 Martin, Hiroko, John, Giles, Lero _____________________________________________________________ Hiroko's analysis of IRAS 20126: - we discussed the third in the recent series of analysis logbook postings by Hiroko - first map shown here: contours at 5.5% (chosen to include all vectors), 10%, and 20%. - counting the number of points in the chi2 fits files: 2601 is (51)^2 which is the total number of points in the file ... what we need is to recount these, this time including only reasonable values (i.e., values not inflated by Mike by a huge number like 10000). See telecon summary of June 17, 2009 for explanation of how chi2 handles masking. - the two bins agree well (2.3 sigma threshold was chosen to exclude large vectors) - last two maps shown are same as in previous memo _____________________________________________________________ Lero's analysis of M82: - we discussed Lero's two e-mails to sharp-software, sent July 20th and July 21st Two main points were discussed: 1. Why is scv4 giving somewhat different results from scv5? Which do we believe? Giles points out that we have fewer large vectors with high nominal significance in scv4. This could imply that the large vectors are incorrect. But John argues that scv5 is the better way to do things since the ratio of the averages is more reliable than the average of the ratios. Lero points out that the large vectors are still there in scv4 but with lower significance. 2. Do we believe the 3-sigma P~18% vectors? Does their presence shed doubt on the similarly-angled 3-sigma vectors in the southeast quadrant which otherwise look very believable? (a) is it synchrotron? (Lero will check) (b) is it just "really well aligned" dust? (c) are the vectors wrong because the I is wrong? Along these lines, note that the 18% vectors correspond to I/sigma-I < 2 Martin points out that if expanation (c) is correct then the answer to the second question listed under "2" above is "no". Clearly we need to understand the long-neglected issue of how sharp-combine computes sigma-I and whether this is believable. As a first step, Martin will provide a better explanation of why he thinks that there may be a problem with the calculation of sigma-I in sharpcombine. _____________________________________________________________