Summary of chop-nod analysis telecon of July 1, 2009 Giles, Lero, John, Hiroko _____________________________________________________________ Lero's analysis of M82: - see his e-mail to sharp-software sent June 28th - starlink can divide extensions and do statistics on extensions - bins should have uniform sigma-Q (within 10 or 20 percent) _____________________________________________________________ Hiroko's analysis of IRAS 20126: - see Tuesday's posting on analysis logbook - what still needs to be done, as decided on telecon: 1. check on weights 2. check how cropped chi_2 depends on number of bins 3. debias the vectors with "/debias" if going much below 3 sigma 4. show more levels below 10 % (levels keyword) 5. consider the fact that i.p. is uncertain at 0.1% level - Note: Hiroko posted a new memo on this just after the telecon _____________________________________________________________