Summary of chop-nod analysis telecon of July 15, 2009 Giles, Lero _____________________________________________________________ Lero's analysis of M82: - we discussed Lero's e-mail to sharp-software sent July 10th - Lero finds that the long (~ 18%) vectors correspond to I/sig-I < 2 - some things to try next: divide data into 2 bins and see if we get detections of any reasonable significance in the southeast where we are finding post-inflation 3-sigma vectors. Note: error inflation is not possible for this test. run polsharp on the old "sharpcombine4" M82 data to investigate whether sharpcombine4 avoids producing the large 18% vectors. keep in mind all flags should be the same as for the more recent sharpcombine5 analysis. Note: error inflation is not possible for this test either. at some point we have to look at the chi2 vs. bin number tests again to remind ourselves of the results (we think they were very encouraging) - some other things to keep in mind if we are sure that we want to use I/sig-I to cut on then we have to be sure we believe that the sig-I are not being *underestimated*. Looking at the red-chi-2 for I is a good way to do this. (But we are not at this point yet.) if we get only a small number of detections out of many points sampled we have to remember that knowing our significance (i.e. are they really 3-sigma) is important, since one expects some detections by statistical fluke. ____________________________________________________________