Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis skype-con of Feb 20, 2008 Hiroko, Larry, Lero, Mike, Giles _________________________________________________________________ skype: works great. file transfer is slow sometimes. NGC 1333 analysis (Nov. and Dec. 2007 runs): Mike summarized his work on NGC 1333 IRAS 4A. He modified fitgauss and recompiled it so now it has the appropriate "mask" to avoid the other source (4B). As reported earlier, he has the smoothed tau under control. He will use i.p. correction - precise command is given in John's posted memo from July 2007. Hiroko agreed to finish up the rgm for November, and post. So we are very close to a final result. However, note the following additional issues that we need to address: 1. reproduceability? reduced-chi-squared? We have only 3 bins, so it dicey but we need to address the issue. 2. How sensitively do the results depend on rgm ? Mike reported that the december data analyzed with the August rgm gives totally different results than what we see in the November data or in the December data when analyzed with the rgm Martin used on the mountain. (Where did this rgm come from? We don't know.) 3. are we truly getting information about the spatially extended B-field in this source or is all the polarization essentially coming from a point source at the center? 4. what about 4B at the edge of our field? Do we believe it? (NOTE: a day after the telecon Mike sent out a new result, and a few days later - today - he sent me a memo addressing item 3) M82 analysis - April 2007 runs: Lero discussed pointing corrections. He is using the -w option only for the pointing. Things not working yet. (Note: a few days after the telecon, Lero and Mike exchanged some E-mail and Mike caught an error in the way Lero is entering the dither offsets into Mike's M82 pointing-correction spreasheet.) _____________________________________________________________ not discussed on skypecon: sharpcombine on mac