Summary of dicussion during chop-nod analysis telecon of Feb 13, 2008 Hiroko, Larry, Lero, Mike, John, Giles _________________________________________________________________ NGC 1333 analysis (Nov. and Dec. 2007 runs): Mike has done smoothed tau, but has not checked it carefully for any source except NGC 1333. He will post it with a note indicating the need to check it over for the other sources observed during these runs. We don't need a pointing model for this run. Mike will point on NGC 1333. He can just use the FAZO and FZAO from fitgauss, no need for the spreadsheet. But he has to mask off the "other" source off to the SouthEast. John thinks fitgauss already has this feature so it may be a question of changing a number and re-compiling (or maybe the existing masking radius is sufficient?) Giles will dig out his notes on how to create gains and will run sharcsolve on some of the Nov. sweep-mode observations and pass the ascii output to Hiroko for further analysis leading to final rgms for the Nov. run. (For Dec. I think we have to use the Nov. rgm.) Giles can do his work on zamin that has sharcsolve installed. M82 analysis - April 2007 runs: The problem with the different EL values from different invocations of sharpinteg on the same file cannot be reproduced. Lero is getting consistent EL values now. Lero will post one example on the analysis logbook, for reference. Lero had some questions about the dither offsets needed in Mike's spreadsheet. It was noted that sometimes these are recorded in the excel spreadsheet in units of a tenth of a pixel. (This is how IRC keeps track of them.) It was also noted that the dither offsets are recorded in the header, but not in pixel space. They are in AZ/EL space. See keywords AZO and ZAO. (Also they are in arcseconds; another difference.) (Related keywords, RAO and DECO and RAO/FIELD and DECO/FIELD, are used for offsets from the main observations field to new fields.) Lero is using the -p option which fixes up the bad fits without messing up the good ones. (What does this do?) We agreed to use the -w option for pointing purposes. ichat, skype: We can save money, but ichat can't get past firewalls. Video conferencing may thus be difficult. But skype could save us money for regular voice-only conference calls. Hiroko and Giles will test. sharp_combine on mac: We all (Giles, Lero, Hiroko) want it...but X-code or make file? John to send out mac make-file. Mike to send out instructions on X-code. _____________________________________________________________