Revised pointing accuracy of the DR21M/IRAS20126 data taken in the 2006 July run -- Revised results with new pointcorr version released on 2006 Oct 11 _____________________________________________________________ Using the new version of "pointcorr" software (corrected for the parity flip of the SHARCII array), pointing accuracy has been re-examined for the data taken during the run in July this year, using the same method (with daily pointing correction, see the text uploaded on 27 Sep 2006 on the analysis logbook web page). The same plots (cazo vs za, czao vs za for both sources) are attached here. Comparing with the previous plots, some of big scatter data points (appeared close to za ~ 44-45deg for i20126) have diminished. Revised pointing accuracy of the same data sets for each science observations (after daily pointing correction) are as follows; i20126 (26 data points in total) cazo rms = 1.36 (arcsec) czao rms = 1.75 (arcsec) dr21m (22 data points in total) cazo rms = 2.70 (arcsec) czao rms = 2.51 (arcsec) The reason why I20126 data show less scatter might be because the source is more compact compared to DR21M. Note that latest pointcorr software (as of 26 Oct 2006) doesn't always fit the flux peak position. For some cases, fitting is affected more by the envelope structure of a source rather than the peak position (as we discussed in the telecon on 5th Oct 2006). So, there may be an ambiguity of about from half a pixel upto one pixel (~2.5 -- 5 arcsec) on the fitting results for some cases. - Attached figures DR21M... dr21mcnt_new_cazoza.gif cazo vs za plot after daily pointing offset correction dr21mcnt_new_czaoza.gif czao vs za plot after daily pointing offset correction I20126... i20126cnt_new_cazoza.gif cazo vs za plot after daily pointing offset correction i20126cnt_new_czaoza.gif czao vs za plot after daily pointing offset correction - Attached data files DR21M... dr21m_newpointcorr_output_cnt_27Oct2006.txt table of pointing offsets of the data taken towards the center (no daily pointing correction made) dr21m_newpointcorr_output_all_27Oct2006.txt table of pointing offsets of all data (no daily pointing correction made) I20126... i20126_cnt_pointcorr_output_20061012.txt table of pointing offsets of the data taken towards the center (no daily pointing correction made) i20126_all_pointcorr_output_20061012.txt table of pointing offsets of all data (no daily pointing correction made)