Source Code

All of the source code is located in the subdirectories of

The executables can all be found in

All of the code currently used has makefiles. If it is necessary to recompile the code, just go to the relevent directory and run make (/usr/ccs/bin/make). After you're satisfied that the new version is correct, copy the executable to /export/home/poldata/bin.

Changes to the code should be documented in the appropriate README files and source code comments.

Brief Program Descriptions

Our reduction code for polarimetry currently consists of 4 programs, integ, stokes, sparo-cso, and sparo-sp. A brief description can be found below. If the program name is typed without any arguments a brief list of required inputs and possible options will be listed. "program_name -h" will yield a more detailed (though still brief) list of the available options. These programs contain the computational kernels necessary to reduce polarimetry data taken with SPARO. For the most part it is left up to the user to create graphical displays.


Integ reads the binary data files written by the Goddard DSP data system. The raw data is processed photometrically and a polarization signal is calculated. There are currently two versions, integ and integ.cnoise3. Integ does the photometric processing first and then calculates the polarization signals. Integ.cnoise3 combines the signals from corresponding pixels before the photometric processing as described in Dowell et al (1998).

Status - Was tested on March 1, 1998 with a test file. The cnoise3 program is not currently available. 3/2/98


Stokes reads the polarization signal files output by integ and calculates stokes parameters. As input stokes takes a list of polarization signal files. The output of stokes is a file containing the stokes parameters for each measurement of each point on the sky.

Status - Was tested at CSO 5/6/98


rougher uses the output of stokes and an assumed instrument/telescope polarization to calculate a source polarization. The relative rotation between the source and instrument/telescope combination are accounted for. In general the results are only accurate for the boresight pixel since the other pixels sweep through a region of the sky as the object rotates beneath the telescope.

Status - Initial tests at CSO. 5/6/98


csopol performs a least squares fit to data with sky rotation but no rotator to solve for both the instrument and source polarization.

Status - Initial tests at CSO. 5/6/98


rough-sp uses the output of stokes and an assumed instrument/telescope polarization to calculate a source polarization. It differs from rougher in that the object and telescope/instrument do not rotate relative to one another. As a result the instrument contribution is subtracted differently than in rougher and results for all pixels will be accurate.

Status - SPARO version not currently available. 3/2/98

Last update May 28, 1998. Contact