Brief Bibliography on Indium Seals

On Low Temperature Indium Seals, Agarwal, K. L. & Betterton, J. O., 1974, Cryogenics, 14, 520

Single-Bellows, Hydraulic Valve for Use at Low Temperatures Bischoff, G. C. & Piskorski, L. I., 1977, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 48, 934

Rapidly Demountable Indium Sealed Couplings for Use at Helium Temperatures, Caley, G. & Gavin, P. J., 1974, Cryogenics, 14, 226

High Vacuum Brass-to-Aluminum Seal for Use at Cryogenic Temperatures, Craig, P., P., Steyert, W. A., & Taylor, R. D., 1962, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 33, 869

Indium Sealing Techniques, Hochuli, U. & Haldeman, P., 1972, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 43, 1088

On Indium Seals in Low Temperature Devices, Jones, E. A. & van der Sluijs, J. C. A., 1972, Cryogenics, 12, 135

A Low Temperature Indium Seal, Korrovits, V. Kh., 1973, Cryogenics, 13, 732

Indium Seal for Low Temperature Cryostats, Kuchnir, M., Adam, M. F., Ketterson, J. B., & Roach, P., 1971, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 42, 536

Indium Seals for Low-Temperature and Moderate-Pressure Applications, Lim, C. C., 1986, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 57, 108

On the Design of Simple Indium O-ring Seals, Turkington, R. R. & Harris-Lowe, R. F., 1984, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 55, 803

Demountable Seal Between an Epoxy Resin and Copper for Low-Temperature Applications, Utton, D. B. & Bowers, W. J., 1976, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 47, 382

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